Senin, 19 November 2018

Camping on the edge of the pool

Camping on the edge of the pool

The camping activity we once did when scouting first, building a tent on the edge of the beach or mountains, now repeat again on the edge of the pool, what is the fun like? Listen to camping on the edge of the pool

As we all know that camping activities are generally done when we sit in school, namely during scout activities. At the time of the camp, we will feel how nice it is to be outside the house while building tents with friends, but it is an outdoor activity activity carried out during school first.
It would be nice if the activity was repeated again but the location is on the edge of your pool. Give a special tent for camping and set up camp at the edge of your pool with your family, do camping activities in your house or outside your home around the pool and feel like you are camping by the sea or the beach.

This method is an unusual way because indeed we are talking about creative things around the pool, in this way that is camping around the pool then we will get a kind of feeling different from the routine things we have ever done.

Camping itself is an exciting activity, you and your family stay in a tent and build activities outside the home. Of course you can combine it with swimming activities and then eat together in tents and swimming pools and do things that are creative in nature and build togetherness.
This method must be done in order to refresh the relationship between family members in this way so that each family member will feel the pleasure of camping around the pool while swimming, while others prepare to eat, we are all involved in a very enjoyable activity with the family.

This is one way to add to and grow our love for swimming pools, in this way routine activities will be treated with creative things around the pool so that you and your family feel emotionally close together.

Camping in a swimming pool is a unique and interesting way that you might try in your home, unfortunately you already have a swimming pool but it is not used for creative things because swimming pools that are only built for swimming pools usually cause boredom and eventually You don't want to swim regularly and this is a pity.

Such is a glimpse of a simple idea about building togetherness through camping around a swimming pool, Hopefully it can be useful and build us enthusiasm to swim every day. Greetings swim at any time.

Jumat, 16 November 2018

Teror Hantu Kolam Renang di Negara Malaysia

Teror Hantu Kolam Renang di Negara Malaysia
Kali ini korbannya seorang anak kecil yang ditarik dari arah kolam renang, dan sempat mengalami tenggelam ... Benarkah hantu yang melakukannya? Simak

Benarkah kolam renang bisa dihuni hantu yang kerap mengganggu para perenang? Ternyata itu ada benarnya juga. Kejadian nyata ini ada di Malaysia dan terjadi pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2018 lalu. Berita yang sempat menjadi viral karena begitu hebohnya kejadian ini.
Mengapa berita ini sangat menjadi perhatian banyak orang?Diceritakan pada berita itu menunjukkan sesosok 'tangan misterius' meraih paha seorang anak kecil di kolam renang. Ini jelas bukan manusia, karena tak ada saksi apapun selain anak kecil dan sang ayah yang berada disitu.

Seperti dikutip dari Asia One, Kamis (11/10/2018), penampakan tangan misterius yang terlihat sepersekian detik sebelum menghilang itu mengejutkan para pengguna dunia maya dan memicu perdebatan yang bikin geger dan menjadikan video itu viral.

Kolam renang yang selama ini kita anggap tempat yang paling nyaman untuk berenang, ternyata ada juga kemungkinan disambangi hantu. Berita di Malaysia ini menjadi bukti betapa hantu jaman sekarang sudah berani mengganggu manusia di kolam renang.

Semuanya bermula dari unggahan video pada Kamis 4 Oktober dari pengguna Facebook bernama Eiyna Sharina. Wanita yang berasal dari Perak, Malaysia itu memposting rekaman gambar yang menunjukkan detik-detik seorang bocah nyaris tenggelam dan diselamatkan sang ayah. Dari sinilah berita itu menjadi viral di netizen. 

Sebenarnya berita intervensi hantu di kolam renang bukan berita luar biasa, karena di Amerika dan Eropa kejadian ini sudah sering terjadi. Namun karena ini dari Malaysia yang notabene nya negara Islam yang anti dengan cerita-cerita hantu ini, maka menjadi berita yang heboh.

Sebuah video viral bikin geger di Malaysia. Pasalnya menunjukkan sesosok 'tangan misterius' meraih paha seorang anak kecil di kolam renang.
Seperti dikutip dari Asia One, Kamis (11/10/2018), penampakan tangan misterius yang terlihat sepersekian detik sebelum menghilang itu mengejutkan para pengguna dunia maya dan memicu perdebatan yang bikin geger dan menjadikan video itu viral. Benarkah ini hantu, atau rekayasa saja? Mari kita dalami lebih lanjut.

Semuanya bermula dari unggahan video pada Kamis 4 Oktober dari pengguna Facebook bernama Eiyna Sharina. Wanita yang berasal dari Perak, Malaysia itu memposting rekaman gambar yang menunjukkan detik-detik seorang bocah nyaris tenggelam dan diselamatkan sang ayah.

Dalam unggahan itu, dia tidak menyatakan di mana dan kapan video itu diambil. Eiyna hanya menyertai petikan kalimat dalam bahasa Melayu yang artinya: "Anak itu harus ditarik ke atas ... Dia akan tenggelam. Untung ayahnya berhasil menariknya."

Perhatikan dialog mereka, ada kesan anak itu benar-benar mengalami pemaksaan dari bawah air, tangan misterius menarik kakinya hingga anak itu akan segera tenggelam. Beruntung ada sang ayah disampingnya yang segera menarik anak itu hingga tangan misterius itu lenyap seketika. 

Hantu air, memang agak konyol untuk dibenarkan keadaannya, apalagi di jaman modern ini, kita seperti orang yang terbelakang secara pemikiran jika mempercayainya. Mungkin harus kita sendiri yang mengalaminya baru percaya 100%, kalau hanya berita, belum tentu benar adanya.

Postingan Eiyna termasuk screenshot atau tangkapan layar dari tangan misterius di paha anak yang nyaris tenggelam itu, yang sepertinya bukan milik siapa pun dalam video. Ini memang agak aneh, karena hantu itu sempat tertangkap kamera Eiyna dan tak ada yang menyangkal bahwa hantu itu benarp-benar ada. Tapi siapa yang mau percaya ada hantu di kolam renang dan terjadi pada siang hari ini? 

Walau demikian, tetap berenang setiap saat, karena dengan renang maka level kesehatan kita tetap terjaga dengan sangat baik dan kita selalu menjaga diri dari hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan dimasa akan datang. Salam sehat setiap saat dengan renang.

Senin, 05 November 2018

Andika Pratama Meninggal ! Pesan Untuk Mereka Agar Rajin Berenang

Andika Pratama Meninggal ! Pesan Untuk Mereka Agar Rajin Berenang

Kejadian ini begitu mengagetkan semua orang, betapa tidak, Andika Pratama meninggal karena Tertimpa Batu. Simak berita viral ini. 

Andika Pratama meninggal ! Berita mengagetkan ini semakin drastis karena ia meninggal tertimpa batu hingga menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. Menurut beberapa saksi, Andika sudah berusaha untuk menghindari batu tersebut namun malang nasibnya, ia terkena batu dan membuat dirinya menghembuskan nafas terakhir.

Seandainya Andika Prama tekun berenang, mungkin staminanya bisa membantu dirinya untuk bertahan sampai pertolongan datang, namun nasib berkata lain, ia menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir pada tanggal 3 Nopember 2018 lalu.

Mari belajar dari pengalaman Andika Pratama, walaupun ia mengaku sudah beberapa kali melakukan pendakian di gunung itu, namun jika sedang naas maka ada saja kejadian yang membuat dirinya harus menghembuskan nafas terakhir.

Sebenarnya dengan rajin renang kita bisa melipatgandakan stamina berpuluh kali lipat, bahkan dalam posisi sekarat sekalipun, stamina kita bisa membantu diri kita tetap bertahan hingga pertolongan datang.
Andika Pratama merupakan seorang anak yang sejak kecil hobi melakukan pendakian, dan ini yang ketiga kalinya melakukan ekspedisi ke Gunung Cartenz di dataran tinggi Jayawijaya, Timika, Papua pada Sabtu 3 November 2018. Andika meninggal usai tertimpa batu saat melakukan pendakian bersama rombongan dari CV Cesta Adventure selaku agen perjalanan.  

Sekedar informasi bahwa Andika Pratama disini bukan Andika yang artis beken itu loh, ini Andika Pratama pendaki gunung yang kebetulan namanya sama percis dengan nama artis itu, jadi tetaplah belajar dari pengalaman agar kita selalu rajin renang setiap saat. 

Mari kita mengambil hikmah dari Andika Pratama ini, rajinlah berenang semampu kita agar stamina dan juga titik fokus selalu terjaga dengan baik. Karena banyak pendaki gunung dan juga masyarakat umum sangat bermasalah dengan titik fokus dan stamina saat di medan kerja mereka masing-masing, dan renang bisa membantu melipatgandakan kemampuan fisik kita, apapun profesi kita. Salam olahraga renang.

Halloween Party Around the Pool

Halloween Party Around the Pool

Have you ever thought of holding a halloween party in your pool? Invite all your relationships and get involved on this sabbath night of darkness. Check out

Helloween is a ritual that originates from the Celtic ancestors of Europeans who are now increasingly loved by the people of Indonesia. Actually this halloween party originated from Europe there. But because it has become a tradition, every October 31, Indonesian people generally hold a Halloween party.

 If we think creatively, why not make a Halloween party around your pool? this becomes something exciting and can also wake us up to our love of swimming pools.

 Halloween parties in swimming pools are quite interesting ideas because the history of Halloween itself is very loaded with a mystical world that is not free from the world of water.

 Indeed, this actually comes from European culture, but there is no harm if we make something different to be held in our country, especially in our respective swimming pools.

 Generally at the event each participant uses costumes that have mystical nuances, ranging from dracula to demons in the wilderness of the world. With these unique costumes, the Halloween party becomes more interesting and far more exciting even held around the swimming pool. It seems we are on the edge of the sea giving rise to a very pleasant nuance.

 Halloween parties in swimming pools become an idea that we can organize, at least once a year regardless of whether our religion allows or not, this party is actually more towards fun and there is no intention so that our swimming pool becomes more vibrant and exotic nuances for hold this party.

This Halloween party is actually not too difficult, the important thing is we have to be more creative in inviting participants who want to be involved in this event with a little mature preparation a week or two weeks before. You can spread invitations to your closest friends and they Must come to your pool on the night of October 30 or coincide with October 31 when the day changes at night.

 This is the unique idea of ​​holding a halloween party in a swimming pool, so that we will become more alive and not bored to enjoy the nuances of the night from time to time, because there are certain moments that we can use around the pool every year. So a few creative ideas, this may be useful. Greetings swimming at any time.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018

Building a Modern Swimming Pool

Building a Modern Swimming Pool
Is it true that building a modern swimming pool is very important in this modern era? What are the reasons we use membrane liners? Listen here
Nowadays the world of swimming pool development is very fast, it's time for you as a pool owner to think about building a modern swimming pool. What is the modern swimming pool like?

The modern swimming pool is a swimming pool that always keeps up with the times, If you still use ceramic swimming pool then it's time you change into a liner membrane, it is one of the building of a modern swimming pool.

Membrane liners are now increasingly accepted throughout the world. In the beginning the development was still dominated by Europe and America, but now it has penetrated into Asia.

With the presence of a membrane liner, you become more modern because it follows the times. It is true that the swimming pool ceramics were used from the first time the swimming pool was discovered until finally the latest innovation was found using a membrane liner.

In this way your swimming pool will become more aerodynamic and definitely leak-proof for more than 10 years. This is why the membrane liner occupies the highest position in terms of making a modern swimming pool, because from the technological side it has been increasingly developed and improved from time to time so that it is very possible that the quality will be better than before.

This is what is called the definition of a modern swimming pool, there are many advantages when we build a modern swimming pool.

The main advantage is the ability of the pool to withstand leakage. Elbe Blue Line Liner Membrane is the best membrane today, made with German technology and has been proven for decades in Europe and America, that is why this type of membrane liner is most widely used by people who understand the world of swimming pools, starting from swimming pools stay up to the hospitality pool. All use membrane liners.

From any side the liner membrane is clearly superior, besides looking more modern your swimming pool is also leak-proof for more than 10 years and certainly the membrane pool is very safe for young children and does not hurt swimmers. So it's time for you as a pool owner to think about making a modern swimming pool right now, because even though swimming is a daily activity that is very important to maintain a healthy body to be more fit and always healthy at all times.

Let's build a modern swimming pool so that our lifestyle becomes much better and more acceptable to today's society, especially in the era of Millenia, the sport of swimming.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2018

pool gallery

Swimming Pool Gallery

The swimming pool gallery is great for growing the enthusiasm and interest of all family members in swimming activities. Let's share the inspiration and motivation of swimming

Have you ever thought of creating a kind of pool gallery? The basic idea is very simple, namely making a mini museum that contains various attributes around the pool.

Think about how good it would be if your home had a swimming pool museum which contained various swimming achievements, pool attributes and various types of swimming pool equipment.

The swimming pool gallery is important, in addition to increasing our love for swimming sports can also add to the achievements. We will be amazed and feel encouraged by their amazing achievements, and that is in the gallery that you created.

Collection of a variety of good photo photos, framed and given various accessories. Start collecting various swimming attributes and this becomes something very fun.

With a gallery, anyone who visits your gallery will get inspiration for a swimming pool. This is very interesting and necessary. Invite your children to learn from those who excel. Collection of world athletes and national swimming athletes for us to emulate their achievements. This is very nice.

Create a swimming pool gallery, it can be in a simple saung, gazebo or on the wall of your pool. This is very interesting and you can make it yourself at home. Stick a variety of nice photos and make your swimming pool atmosphere attractive and inspiring.

Let us make our swimming pool something full of swimming inspiration that can make us swim harder. Make the swimming pool gallery as something we are very proud of for our children and grandchildren in the future. Greetings for swimming sports.

Aroma Pool Therapy

Aroma Pool Therapy

Does your pool still smell of chlorine? This idea will erase all of that, for the aroma of swimming pool therapy, like what is full? See

What do you feel when you live the fragrance of air around you? Of course your mood will increase sharply right? Even when you put the scent of scented therapy around the pool, of course this creates a fresher and more enjoyable atmosphere.

Aroma Swimming Pool Therapy, you will feel the difference, between a perfumed swimming pool and given fragrances, this can be a solution for those of you who feel bored with the condition of the chlorine-smelling pool.

Start thinking creatively, how to make your swimming pool become more fragrant and fresh. This also affected the pool visitors in the end. They become more happy to linger in the pool.

Choose soft and delicious fragrances for your sense of smell. Install the swimming pool deodorizer on every corner of the outside of the pool and stay away from the reach of children.

By installing the Aroma Therapy pool, you will feel how this idea is very powerful and trustworthy, which is to make your family more like swimming or around the pool.

Aroma Swimming Pool Therapy, is actually very rare in the market, because this is an idea that is still relatively new. Get used to choosing a variety of pool perfumes that vary, from spray perfumes to aroma therapies.

Especially for this type of aromatherapy deodorizer, do not place it in a place that is easily flammable because this type of wax is inside. Use wisely for all types of your pool deodorizers.

Actually the idea of ​​swimming pool deodorizers can be combined with a number of other ideas, for example outside of a special massage place that is given a aroma therapy made from fragrant herbs. So after swimming, try your partner to massage your body and there is aroma therapy in every corner.

The idea of ​​swimming pool fragrance is suitable for those of you who like the art of fragrant aroma, can cleanse your lungs and stimulate the sense of smell to be much better. So let's cultivate the high-quality swimming pool aroma therapy, don't let your pool be dominated by the unpleasant smell of chlorine to breathe. ***