Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018

Berapa Lama Sebaiknya kita Berenang ?

How Long Should We Swim?

There are many ideal versions of how long we do swimming. Why is the length of swimming a very important thing to maintain health?  

Because if we swim too short then the effect of swimming is less significant for the health of the body. There are some people who swim for too long so they don't get the benefits of swimming, but there are also some people who swim too long, causing body fatigue and eventually the person becomes tired and stricken with disease.  

So swimming requires the right time to get the maximum effect for health. Some doctors recommend swimming the best 2 hours maximum, while at least 1 hour for every swimming activity.  

The best time for swimming is adjusted according to individual taste but the ideal swimming time is indeed 2 hours because the body will react to the swimming activity so that it can cause a positive tired effect, meaning that the body will adjust to the time we have set in the same time .  

For example, in a week we swim 3 times each time we swim for 2 hours, do so for three months then naturally the body will adjust from the time we have set.  

By swimming for 2 hours every time our body will get a health effect that is almost perfect because swimming for 2 hours is enough to make our physical become stronger and drain the body's energy ideally. Never swim outside the time that the doctor has recommended is 2 hours, because in addition to the effects of fatigue can also cause a saturation effect, whereas swimming activities should be fun and make the body move more frequently in the water.  

So the conclusion is swimming the best is for 2 hours every time swimming and the most appropriate time to do the space is adjusted to the rhythm of each body because between one individual and another is not the same.  

Maybe that's all we can say about how long we should swim, hopefully this will be your consideration for those of you who want to focus on swimming regularly on a long-term basis. Congratulations on swimming regularly and fun.


Berapa Lama Sebaiknya kita Berenang ?

Ada banyak versi idealnya berapa lama kita melakukan renang. Mengapa lamanya berenang menjadi sesuatu yang sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan?

 Karena jika kita berenang terlalu sebentar maka efek dari renang tersebut kurang signifikan bagi kesehatan tubuh.  Ada beberapa orang yang berenangnya terlalu sebentar sehingga mereka tidak mendapatkan manfaat dari renang tersebut Namun ada juga beberapa orang yang berenangnya terlalu lama sehingga menimbulkan kelelahan tubuh dan akhirnya orang tersebut menjadi mudah lelah dan terserang penyakit.

Baca juga :

 Jadi berenang itu memerlukan waktu yang tepat agar mendapat efek maksimal untuk kesehatan.  Beberapa dokter merekomendasikan renang yang terbaik dilakukan maksimal 2 jam,  sementara minimum 1 jam untuk setiap aktivitas renang.

Baca juga


Waktu terbaik untuk renang memang disesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing namun lamanya waktu berenang paling perfect itu memang 2 jam karena tubuh akan bereaksi terhadap aktivitas renang tersebut sehingga bisa menimbulkan efek lelah positif, artinya tubuh akan menyesuaikan dengan waktu yang sudah kita tetapkan dalam waktu yang

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